Stained Teeth

Tooth Stains

Tooth Spa in Sunnyvale is your source for the most effective teeth whitening procedures. We know your smile is important to you and it’s the first thing people see when they meet you. We want to help you have the most dazzling white smile possible.

Stained, Discolored & Aging Teeth

No one wants to smile when his or her teeth are stained, discolored, or aged. We are a nation of coffee and tea drinkers and these beverages are doing a number on our smiles. Couple routine staining with discoloration from antibiotics, smoking, tooth damage, or aging and you lose your reason to smile. If you’ve been living with teeth you feel are aging your look, now is the time to brighten your smile to give you a youthful boost.

Tooth Spa has many treatment options available to whiten your teeth and restore your pearly whites. We have a range of services we can offer depending on your budget and the level of need.

A Wide Range Of Whitening Services

Tooth Spa offers a wide range of services for teeth whitening. We have a professional, prescription-grade, at-home whitening kits that will take care of minor staining and are much more effective than the over the counter whitening kits. We also offer Zoom Whitening in our office for a non-invasive one-hour treatment with instant results!

If your teeth have deep discoloration, ridges, chips, or heavy staining that bleaching and whitening treatments can’t cure, we have a solution for you too. We offer ultra-thin veneers, which are extremely comfortable and instantly give you back your bright white smile with a very natural look.

Veneers require little pre-treatment, no drilling, no shots, and provide gorgeous results. They are perfect for the heavily stained or discolored teeth problems that bleaching can’t cure.

Professional Consultation Available

In order to decide what whitening procedure is best for you, you should meet with one of our professionals at Tooth Spa in Sunnyvale for an evaluation and consultation that will provide you a cost estimate and treatment that’s best for you. We won’t have you wasting your money on unnecessary, costly treatments for minor staining we can correct easily or your money on treatments that, in reality, will be ineffective for the issues you have.

Our dentists have the experience and skill required to evaluate your teeth and come up with the appropriate course of action to meet your goals. Call Tooth Spa, today, to set up an appointment so we can brighten your teeth and your day!

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9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Friday

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