Night Guards

Photo of a mouthguard.

If you’re looking for night guards for teeth grinding, Tooth Spa in Sunnyvale can help. A large percentage of our population suffers from “bruxism” or teeth grinding. Many people are unaware of this harmful habit as it usually occurs at night when they are asleep and unaware of what is happening. Bruxism over time will wear away the harder outer layer of enamel to expose the softer inner layer of the teeth called dentin which can lead to tooth sensitivity.

Night Guards For Bruxism

Sunnyvale Dentist Nightguard

A large percentage of our population suffers from “bruxism” or grinding of teeth. Many people are unaware of this harmful habit as it usually occurs at night when they are asleep and unaware of what is happening. Bruxism over time will wear away the harder outer layer of enamel to expose the softer inner layer of the teeth called dentin which can lead to tooth sensitivity.

Bruxism can cause teeth to crack are even cause fillings or crowns to loosen up prematurely. The solution is to wear a nightguard. A night guard is a horseshoe-shaped, retainer-like, plastic appliance with shallow borders that is typically worn on the upper arch. Comfortably designed to protect the teeth from clenching and grinding, a night guard provides a protective comfortable cushion between the upper and lower rows of teeth.

Get Customized Mouth Guards in Sunnyvale

In two simple appointments, a custom guard can be delivered. Patients often may not be aware that appliances must be custom fit in order to prevent potential complications such as jaw joint pain related to the TMJ. Over-the-counter appliances may exacerbate this issue and may be bulky or ill-fitting. Make your appointment for custom nightguards at Tooth Spa in Sunnyvale today.


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