General Dentist

Sunnyvale Dentist Office

When you look in the mirror, is your smile everything you want it to be? At Tooth Spa, our Sunnyvale general dentists strive to help you achieve the beautiful smile you want and deserve. We perform, general, family, and cosmetic dentistry services to maintain and improve your smile and oral health. If you need a dentist in Sunnyvale, San Jose, Mountain View, or Santa Clara, California, look no further than Tooth Spa.

Your First Appointment

Your first general dentistry appointment will begin with a new patient examination. Our dentists take time with you to go over your overall health and any concerns you may have about your teeth. We know that making a trip to a dentist’s office may cause you to feel anxious, so our Sunnyvale dentists will address your concerns and help you feel at ease with dental care.

Dental Treatments & Options

During your first visit with our cosmetic dentistry specialists at Tooth Spa, we will conduct a comprehensive oral exam and take digital x-rays of your mouth. Our dentist in Sunnyvale will then discuss cosmetic dentistry treatment options with you. We provide you with a written estimate of the cost of your cosmetic dentistry plan and answer any questions you may have.

Dental ChairWe offer a full range of state of the art cosmetic dentistry services including tooth whitening, invisible braces, dental implants, dentures, porcelain veneers, crowns, and bridges. Many of our cosmetic dentistry procedures take only one visit. Other cosmetic dental services such as dentures and implants usually require at least two visits.

Consulting with our dentists about both cosmetic dental care and general dental procedures can dramatically change your life. Our Sunnyvale dentists take pride in providing unbiased advice, excellent service, and amazing results to last you a lifetime. Let us help you achieve the beautiful smile you deserve.

Make Your Dental Appointment Today

At Tooth Spa, our goal is to provide you with the best in general and cosmetic dentistry. We will always try to make sure your time in our office is a relaxing and refreshing experience. If you live in the Sunnyvale, San Jose, Santa Clara, or Mountain View areas, call today to schedule your appointment with us today.

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9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Friday

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